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Marie Manceau Lab

Carole, Coline, María and Julia at the CIRB Day!

Marie is interviewed by
the Bettencourt Fundation
LINK to interview (in French)

Marie contributes to the 40th anniversary of "Grand Nord Grand Large"
Link to the event

The Bettencourt delegation visits the lab

Julia rocks the "cour d'honneur"

Hélène takes things to the next level

Coline presents her work at the TIBE meeting (Portugal)
Marie at the Lounsbery Prize Ceremony

Images from the lab are projected on the facade of the Chateau des Rohans (Strasbourg) as part of a videomapping event
(video here -->)

María animates "La fête de la Science"
Carole contributes to the
art project of Alzbetka

Coline and Carole present their work at the Pint of Science festival, organised by Hélène!

Our work is featured in "Pour la Science"

María is awarded a PhD fellowship

Les "savanturiers" (France Inter Radio)
Coline is awarded a PhD fellowship

Camille talks at "Development"

The lab is awarded a Bettencourt Prize

The lab joins the FSER
Camille and Marie in the College de France video (LINK to VIDEO)

Camille defended! Congrats Dr. Curantz :)
Camille organises "La Fête de la Science"

Richard defended! Congrats Dr. Bailleul :)

Nico is a laureate of the "Grandes Avancées" prize of the French Science Academy
(LINK to video)

Lab retreat in Brittany

Magda is armed
FameLab Jury

"La tête au carré" (LINK)
Lab "meeting"

The "Alien" talk at MIX-IT
Fête de la Science

Field work: French Alps

Patterned cake
Nico hard at work ;)

#museum #eggs
#museum #eggs

Lab selfie
Magda is on fire

Lab retreat: Paris
Lab retreat: Paris

Samantha gets birds started :)
Richard's BDay
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